John Raine CMG OBE served the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office for 33 years. His overseas postings included Kuwait, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Baghdad and Islamabad. As a senior member of the national security community, John’s bilateral and multilateral diplomatic work involved working extensively with US administrations and the US military on issues related to international coordination and security.
John is now a Senior Advisor at the IISS (International Institute for Strategic Studies), and a non-executive director of the HSBC Bank of the Middle East. He is also the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Governors for the University of Lincoln, and serves as a Trustee for the HALO Trust.
The Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission, a non-departmental public body, is accountable to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The Commission is responsible for the Marshall Scholarship programme, which provides scholarships to talented Americans to study in the UK. Up to fifty scholars are selected each year to study in any field at graduate level at a UK institution. As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of the UK’s institutions and society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between the UK and the USA, their governments, their institutions and their people.