Rose Summers
Rose Summers, from Louisville, Colorado, is studying Neuroscience and Integrative Physiology with a Minor in Art Practices at the University of Colorado Boulder. Rose has contributed to a research project in Dr. Christopher Lowry’s Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Lab which helped to identify a potential novel therapy for preventing stress-related inflammatory pathologies in shift workers and previously interned at the Macklis Lab of the Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology. She is currently conducting an independent honors thesis research on the generation of microglia-containing cerebral organoids as a model for Down syndrome related Alzheimer’s disease (DS-AD) under Dr. Huntington Potter and Dr. Noah Johnson at CU Anschutz. Aside from her research, Rose is a tutor through the University of Colorado, Boulder and is working on volunteering as an art teacher for children at the local safe house. As a Marshall Scholar, Rose will be pursue an MPhill in Stem Cell Biology at the University of Cambridge.