Ariana Benson
Ariana majored in Pschology at Spelman College, Atlanta Georgia. Whilst at Spelman, Ariana served as Captain of the Spelman's HCASC Quiz Bowl Team earning the school nearly $51,000 in grants during her time on the team.
Ariana is also an accomplished poet, having performed poetry at the Decatur Book Festival for the last two years and twice becoming a finalist for the Edith. A. Hamble Poetry Prize. Her honors thesis explored the use of creative mediums, such as poetry and screenwriting, as a means of preserving and curating collective memory for the descendants of the African Diaspora.
Ariana will further pursues her interests in Poetry and her aspirations in becoming a Television Screenwriter in the UK, where she'll pursue an MA in Creative Writing at Royal Holloway in her first year.