Alex Hu
Alex Hu, from Boyds, Maryland, is currently finishing his BA degree in Humanities from Yale University. Alex has recently published an article titled "The Allure of the Civilizational State" in The National Interest which was translated into Chinese for republication in Dongfang Journal at the China Institute at Fudan University. Alex has founded and led the Yale chapter of the Alexander Hamilton Society for three years where he currently serves as the “President Emeritus”. Alex also created, designed, and led the Nicholas J. Spykman Fellowship, a reading group for underclassmen on "Geostrategic Thought" (Fall 2021), "World Order and its Critics" (Spring 2022), and "Economic Statecraft" (Fall 2022). As a Marshall Scholar, Alex will apply for a place at King’s College London on the MA degree in War Studies and a MA degree in Geopolitics, Resources, and Territory.