Marie-Hélène Tomé
Marie-Hélène Tomé of Ardsley, New York, is studying Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science, and Linguistics at Duke University. Through her participation in research experiences in Number Theory at the University of Virginia in 2023 and Williams College in 2024, she has built an impressive body of work, including a single author paper published in the Journal of Number Theory. She is currently conducting a senior thesis research project on the Poisson summation conjecture formulated by Braverman-Kazhdan-Ngô-Sakellaridis, which posits that formulae analogous to the classical Poisson Summation Formula on vector spaces hold for a much larger class of algebraic varieties. During her studies, she earned numerous accolades including: the 2025 Alice T. Schafer Mathematics Prize, a Goldwater Scholarship, and a Duke Faculty Scholarship. Marie-Hélène is passionate about communicating her joy for mathematics to the next generation. As a volunteer with Math Circles, she brings mathematics into local elementary and middle schools. Through her involvement in Operation Climate, a student-run podcast, she communicates climate science to the public.
As a Marshall scholar, Marie-Hélène plans to study at the University of Cambridge to pursue a MASt degree followed by MPhil degree in Mathematics.