Meghana Vagwala
Meghana Vagwala is from South Grafton, Massachusetts. An Angier B. Duke Scholar, she will graduate in 2017 from Duke University with a self-designed degree (Program II) in Neuroscience, Ethics, and Anthropology. She has first authored a paper on cognitive enhancement in Neuroethics. She conducted fieldwork in Kathmandu for her senior thesis, studying the nature of medical knowledge and stigma pertaining to mental illness. Outside of academia, she advocates for victim-survivors of gender-based violence and volunteers with children at Duke Hospital, in addition to serving as President of the Program II Majors’ Union and President of Round Table, her selective living group. Meghana plans to pursue an MScR in Medical Anthropology at University of Edinburgh and an MSc in Global Mental Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Afterwards, she plans for a career in medicine and global health.