Catherine Cossaboom
Catherine Cossaboom is from Atlanta, Georgia, and is a Jefferson Scholar at the University of Virginia, where she studies Mathematics and Cognitive Science. Catherine studies analytic number theory and automorphic forms, and she has written papers spanning the arithmetic statistics of partitions, the algebraic relationships among modular forms, and primes in joint Sato–Tate distributions. She leads UVA’s chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics and co-launched UVA’s premier STEM podcast, seeking to showcase underrepresented individuals from UVA’s alumni and faculty. In her free time, she enjoys writing spoken word poetry.
She hopes to champion the rich history of mathematics and accessible math communication throughout her academic career and to further these goals through an MSc by Research in Mathematics at the University of Oxford under Prof. James Maynard. She is a 2024 Barry Goldwater Scholar.