Choosing a University in the UK
Higher education in the United Kingdom is provided in a wide variety of universities and one or two specialised institutions and business schools. A full list of institutions at which Marshall Scholarships are tenable can be found in UK Institutions. In certain instances, awards may be held at other institutions which offer degree courses in partnership with and validated by a university. Please click on the map for details of UK Institutions. Alternatively please make use of our course finder tool to browse eligible master’s degree programmes at every university across the UK
Candidates are advised to find out all they can about British universities and the availability of their chosen programme of study or research since facilities vary from one institution to another. Some programmes which are commonly available in the universities and colleges of the United States are not found in British universities and, where they are available, different kinds of preparation are required.
In 2014 a system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions (HEIs) called the Research Excellence Framework (REF) was introduced. It has replaced the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). For further information please see http://www.ref.ac.uk/.
Candidates can also make use of Postgrad.com or Prospects Website to find out which UK Institutions offer specific courses and subjects.
For general information about universities (these guides are aimed at undergraduates but can be useful for an overview on the universities):
For general information about studying in the UK: